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Since July 1, Batumi is open to tourists !  RSS 2.0

Since July 1, Batumi is open to tourists !

Batumi will become one of the first places in the world to open for foreign tourists, writes the London edition of Emerging Europe. "Your choice of holiday destinations this year may be limited. But Georgia and its pearl on the Black sea are very open for business. Probably, there has never been a better time to visit it," the publication notes and recommends that 2 million of its readers visit Batumi. "The world used to know us as the country of our ancient traditions of hospitality. Now the world recognizes us as a safe place. We need to use the new competitive advantage that our country has gained in the fight against the pandemic," the publication quotes Georgian economy Minister Natia Turnava as saying. Welcome to Georgia !

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Новогодний гала-концерт начнется 31 декабря с 23:00 на площади Республики

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